On last night’s episode of “Revenge,” Emily’s retribution spree continued. Turns out, not only is revenge a dish best served cold, it’s even better when it’s served over a number of courses. With a garnish of public humiliation, of course.
Once again, Emily takes out the group photo of all her enemies, this time x’ing out the face of Dr. Banks, a female psychiatrist who did her wrong. If you’re going to do Emily wrong, best not to get yourself photographed with a bunch of other folks who also betrayed her.
Emily finds herself in a developing love triangle. She sets up a dinner date with Daniel, but when he doesn’t show, she opts to have Jack share the meal with her instead. Of course Daniel shows up, spies her with the other guy, and thinks she’s playing games when it’s really all some big misunderstanding engineered by someone else.
Turns out the real game-player is Tyler, a smarmy Harvard grad who lied to Daniel about Emily swinging by to reschedule the date, which is why Daniel was late to begin with. Tyler also stole Daniel’s phone and deleted Emily’s messages. Later Tyler gets the alcoholic Daniel really drunk and brings him by the bar to get even more drunk. Tyler is basically a sociopath, a mashup of Iago and Eddie Haskell. Are we sure this dude didn’t actually go to Yale or Dartmouth?
Now to the main course. At a big charity gig–just as folks on “Gossip Girl” are forever attending lavish parties, people on “Revenge” seem to be on a neverending charity circuit–Emily hijacks the DVD player and the attendees are treated to clips of secretly-taped sessions with the shrink, exposing the private lives and lies of the rich and pampered. Victoria is seen on tape saying something nasty about her daughter, who is watching and is instantly and perhaps irrevocably offended. Frankly, most moms and dads probably confess far worse when they’re on the couch. People have confessed worse to their Twitter followers.
The shrink is promptly kidnapped and held in a storage container before police get a tip and release her. Turns out Victoria set up Dr. Banks’s comfy practice after the not-so-good doctor agreed to institutionalize Emily when she was a kid. Now her practice is ruined and she and Victoria have gone from allies to enemies. And everyone in the Hamptons will no doubt need more psychological counseling to get over the trauma of it all.